tisdag 27 december 2011

Levande Jultallrik


fredag 23 december 2011


Stöd mitt event på Facebook!


Nu är det frukost IGEN!  :-)  :-)  :-)
Sesammjölk med persimon (sharon), sweetie, kiwi, clementin och passionsfrukt garnerad med solrosfrön och gojibär.

Till frukosten drack jag ett supergott rawfood-kaffe (se recept nedan) och ett grönt the med hibiskus-malva.


1 dl råa kaffebönor (mocca)
1 nypa torkad hibiskus-malva
3 dl vatten
1 tsk kanel
1 tsk rå kakaopulver
1 krm kardemumma
1 krm malda nejlikor
½ msk honung

Blötlägg kaffebönor och hibiskus över natten. Filtrera vattnet och blanda i resterande ingredienser, gärna med en mixer. Drick kallt eller värm på till 40 grader. Mumma i vinterkylan!

torsdag 22 december 2011

Sesam, öppna dig!

Sesammjölken är morgonens favorit som jag ibland byter ut mot mandelmjölk.

Jag har svårt att låta bli frukten trots Brian Clements uppmaning, men :-) han sa även att det är bäst att äta frukt på morgonen. So here we go!

Levande sesammjölk tillsammans med mango, persimon (sharon), rambutan, clementin och granatäpple.

En löptur på morgonkvisten piggade upp inför frukosten, och en skidtur på kvällen piggade upp inför den sena middagen. Så nu sitter jag här 01.30 och skriver blogg...

Teet som jag dricker på morgonen är GRÖNT.
När jag vill ha extra energi blandar jag gärna i algpulver, nässelpulver, vetegräspulver, macapulver, guarana, citron, cayennepeppar, gojibär m.m.

Imorgon bitti ska jag starta dagen med en kopp GRÖNT KAFFE! Hittade råa kaffebönor i lustig butik som heter Affrohörnan i Sundsvall. Dom hade massor av LÖSHÅR och annan mat från Afrika. De råa moccabönorna kommer från Etiopien.
Jag har blötlagt ca 1 dl och här ligger de små liven och flyter.. men jag tror att de flesta har drunknat.

onsdag 21 december 2011


Idag blev det exotisk frukost! En levande sesammjölk fylldes med mango, persimon (sharon), kiwano, granatäpple och färsk mynta.

Hälsade på barndommens skidspår efter frukosten och njöt av 12 km härlig skidåking!


Paprikor fyllda med blomkålsfärs (receptet se nedan). Garnering med babyspenat, mangold, mache, avocado, paprika, alfa alfa-groddar, böngroddar, babyplommontomater, blomkål, valnötsolja och hemmagjord pesto.

Det blev jättegott och fyllde magen ordentligt!


100 g hackad shitakesvamp
2 dl finhackad blomkål
½ dl krossad mandel
10 st hackade körsbärstomater
½ dl hackad färsk basilika
2 st pressade vitlöksklyftor
1 tsk riven ingefära
½ dl olivolja
1- 2 msk tamari
ett par nypor cayenne-/svartpeppar
örtkryddor efter smak

Shitakesvampen hackas i små tärningar och blandas tillsammans med resten av ingredienserna. Låt marinera i minst 30 minuter för bästa smak!


1 avokado
1 kruka basilika
½ dl olivolja
1 msk citronsaft
1 tsk torkad basilika
1 tsk torkad oregano

Blanda och njut!

onsdag 14 december 2011

First snow

Today I made contact with snow for the first time this season! I managed 10 km on icy tracks, and I'm really proud of myself :)

I called the hospital today for a blood test to check my vitamin status. Thought it would be a good idea!

I'll keep you guys updated.

onsdag 30 november 2011

Day 13 14 15, confidence

Confidence plays a big part in the knowledge of your own future.

I am confident that nature will provide us with what we need, as long as we provide nature with the choice.

Do we wish to end our lives collecting medicin from steril white shelves and swallowing pills to death, or do we wish to collect juicy fruits from the free flowing rainbow colored stream of nature?

We are sick because we lost trust, trust in ourselves, trust in nature, and both of us working together as one.

måndag 28 november 2011

Dag 10 11 12, honesty

Honesty is when you act on your beliefs.
I have been enjoying my weekend with long walks and good friends. Apart from my strict raw vegan diet I elevated my life experience for a moment with four (or maybe five) shots of Blue Agave Tequila with himalaya salt and organic lemon. I danced long into friday night. Woke up saturday mornin', fresh as ever before.

Rules are ment to be broken, so if you become a man of rules, then your are bound to be broken.

Guidlines are ment to be followed, so if your are a guided man, you are always on the right path.

Apart from the weekend tequila I had my usual sedmilk with fresh friuts in the morning and mixed sallad lunch and evening.

torsdag 24 november 2011

Day 9, thank you

The next american holiday comin' up is thanksgiving, so here's my list of what I'm thankful for.

Thank you sun for warming my skin
Thank you earth for supporting my feet.
Thank you nature for all the delicious food.
Thank you to everyone who likes my company.
Thank you lifeforce for giving me the strength I need.

Got nine hours of sleep.

Sesame milk with fresh fruit (orange, apple, kiwi, figs and organic rasins)

Mixed sallad (red cabbage, chard, iceberg lettuce, carrots, tomatoes)

Orange, apple, figs, goji berries, pine nuts

Soup (tomatoes, broccoli, red bell pepper, lettuce, peanuts, spice)

Did some upper body workout evening time.

Good night everyone!

Day 8, running

I began my day with one hour running up and down the ski-slope next door. My first good exercise since I established my goal of winning Vasaloppet 2012.

Got nine hours of sleep.

Almond milk with fresh fruit (orange, apple, kiwi, organic rasins)

Mixed sallad (red cabbage, mangold, iceberg lettuce, carrot, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts)

A couple of apples, orange, fresh figs, almonds, rasins and dates.

I drink water to all dried fruits, nuts and seeds.

tisdag 22 november 2011

Day 7, development

Even though I felt that yesterday was a tough, I made it through to today and I feel much stronger now. When you hit resistance and find yourself deep inside a black hole, it is important to keep struggling your way through. Can you see the light in the end of the tunnel?

Another positive thing is that we now have a clear idea and a vision of how we want to structure our business.

Sesame milk with fresh fruit (orange, apple, kiwi and organic rasins for my sweet tooth)

Mixed sallad

Mixed sallad (red cabbage, chard, broccoli, carrots, iceberg lettuce) and for dessert filled oranges with vanilla cream.

My feet has been sour with blisters from all the walking and occational running, but now it is starting to heal and I will soon be able to go for long distance running. Hopefully tomorrow.

Day 6, cleansing

Today was different from the last few day. The colon therapy aftermath is still draining me of energy. My body went into deep cleansing mode and it didn't leave much motivation for intellectual activities. I'll need to keep that in mind for later use...and abuse :)

Sesame milk with fresh fruit (orange, apple and organic rasins)

Mixed sallad (cabbage, carrots, fermented carrots, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumber, strong mustard)

Soup no. 1: (tomatoes, yellow bell pepper, zuccini, cucumber + spice with iceberg lettuce and sprouts on the side)
Soup no. 2 (tomatoes, broccoli, radish + spices with iceberg lettuce on the side)

My appetite was huge :) probably because of the cleansing.

Even though I felt heavy today I got 2 hours of walking.

söndag 20 november 2011

Day 5, rest

Resting and relaxing is really really really imortant when you do intense training. Today sunday, and every sunday until the ultimate race day I will have as fasting day. I learned when I was out for a run that the digestive system also need rest. Because I was light as a feather today! :-)



I will aslo try to do colon cleansing every week to keep myself clean from the inside. It doesn't matter how much fresh fruit you poor into your system if you cannot absorb it. Hear me when I say that colon cleansing is THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to clean out your dirty digusting closet.


Today's session felt very good and I feel even lighter than before ;-)

Day 4, responsibilty

The ultimate responsibilty we all have is how we treat ourselves. A mirror will reveal the truth for your eyes. Your self-etsteem and self-confidence reveals the truth for your soul.

I like to have 9 hours of sleep every night. But might cut it down one or two hours to get some more sunlight.

Sesame milk with fresh fruit (orance, apple, kiwi, organic rasins)

During the day I ate some fruits, a couple of tomatoes and avocados. Will take it easy with the food since I'm going to use sundays as a fasting day with colonic therapy. Rest is imortant, even for your digestive system.

Had two hours of walking and 20 minutes of intense running today. Also did some upper body work-out.

fredag 18 november 2011

Day 3, senses

Let me know if you also want swedish version.

We have five different traditional senses. Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. But we also have atleast five additional senses including pain, balance, joint motion & acceleration, temperature differences and direction. If we consider other internal senses which is normally stimulated from within the body we can add atleast six more!

When I close my eyes during running practice I have eliminated one of my major senses which I heavily rely on. What happends is that while running I am forced to rely on all my other senses not to run out of track or lose balance. The best part of running with closed eyes is that I train my other senses to communicate better with each other. Because of this I get a new perception of what running really is. How does motion, speed, acceleration, balance etc. really work inside my body? By removing once sense I can learn so much more about every other aspect of my body and what it really means to run effectivelly. All you health freaks out there, challange yourself! :)

Got nine hours of sleep tonight.

From bed I went straight out for a 45 minute walk followed by 20 minutes of intense running. The cold air really gets to my head. I'll have to start using a hat..

Sesame milk with fresh fruits (orange, apples, fresh coconut, organic raisins)

Mixed sallad (cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, carrots, sprouts, mushrooms, sunflower seeds, raisins, nori, garlic)

I've been taking alot of naps today :)

torsdag 17 november 2011

Day 2, awareness

Awareness is the key to unlock excellent training results. So you may wonder what there is that you should be aware of? Breathing of course! :) The holy spirit gives you enough life to sustain between every breath. This means that your quality of life heavily depends on your ability to take those deep breaths. That's why awareness is the key. Because when you are not aware your breathing is shallow. Test yourself!

When I stretch my muscles or doing workout I always focus on deep breathing. It is also very important that I have my attention focused towards the particular musce I am stretching or working out. And I always try to breath through my nose because it warms up and filters the air.

Got nine hours of sleep tonight.

Sesame milk with fresh fruits (orange, apple, kiwi & fresh coconut)

Mixed sallad (cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, baby spinach, lentil- and mungbean sprouts, iceberg lettuce, bell pepper and broccoli).

Mixed sallad (iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green- and black olives, artichoke)

Went out for 20 minutes intense running in the afternoon. The air is really cold, escpecially since I breath through my nose!

Every time I eat I get a kick, and I like do do training after the meals to spread the nutrients. I drink 3-4 cups of herbal tea every day. I find it very relaxing and soothing. Had some of the cacao cake we did yesterday, wow I really like cacao :) After fika I took a cleansing lavendel bath for almost an hour. It is important to treat yourself good every single day!

Last night I also started taking different supplements. I will specify them later.

onsdag 16 november 2011

Day 1, vision and expression


Jag kommer att sakta men säkert att gå över till en diet som består av 80% frukt, 10% grönsaker och 10% nötter & frön. Även kallad 80/10/10. För tillfället äter jag ungefär 20/50/30. Förhoppningsvis kommer fruktdieten att passa mig som handen i handsken. Det gjorde det i alla fall för den här killen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7FRfaLtpo8

Jobbade till sena natten med vår affärsidé att skapa en rawfoodrestaurang med samlingspunk i centrala Falun. Fick i alla fall 4½ timmars sömn innan mötet med fastihetsägaren idag. Vi är intresserade av en lokal i Bergströmsgallerian som är idealisk för vår planerade verksamhet.

Vaknade kl. 9. Gick direkt ut och hälsade på solen. Skakade loss all träningsvärk och det tråkiga morgonhumöret.

Till frukost blev det sesammjölk med färsk frukt (äpple, kiwi, & apelsin).

Efter mötet tog vi, d.v.s. jag och Kenth, en promenad runt Tisken. Därefter blev det ett annat lunchmöte kl. 12 som bestod av en pastor och ett berg av blandade grönsaker (isbergssallad, gurka, tomat, haricots verts, blomkål, champinjoner, gröna oliver, selleri, majs, röd- och pujolök...toppade med solroskärnor och krossade linfrön).

Besökte blomsteraffären på eftermiddagen för extra syresättning. Det kommer nog att bli en vana när jag är i stan. Jag börjar bli mer och mer medveten om min andning och hur den påverkar mina energinivåer. Alla kanske inte tänker på det men livet består ju av en lång serie andetag, och utan dom är det slutet för kroppen. Inte konstigt att många religioner kallar det för 'den heliga anden'...

Promenerade ca 10 km idag. Mot kvällningen åt jag en riktigt stor bit av en kakaospäckad kladdkaka (dadlar, kakao, avokado, pumpakärnor, maca, agavesirap, honung) och fick otrolig energi. Fick helt enkelt lov att gå på ett ordentligt styrke-/flexibilitetspass :)


I will slowly but surely switch to a diet consisting of 80% fruit, 10% vegetables and 10% nuts and seeds. Also known as 80/10/10. Currently, I eat about 20/50/30. Hopefully, the fruit diet will fit me like a glove. It did for this guy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7FRfaLtpo8

I woke up at 9 today. Went straight out and said hello to the sun, and shook out all the muscle soreness and the sad morning mood.

Sesame milk with fresh fruits (kiwi, apple and orange)

Mixed sallad (iceberg lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, green beans, cauliflower, mushrooms, green olives, celery, corn, red onion and leek...topped with sunflower- and flax seeds).

Walked about 10 km today. In the evening I ate a big piece of a cocoa-rich cake (dates, cocoa, avocado, pumpkin seeds, maca,agavesirap, honey) and got incredible energy. I just had to go on a proper upper body workout combined with flexibility training.

I am starting to be more aware of my breathing which is great! Visited the flower shop today and it gave me a nice oxygen boost. I will make this a habit.